Traumatic Loss: Grief Creed

I believe that grief is a complex and non-linear process, requiring time, courage, and energy. I grant myself permission to grieve in my own way.

I believe that seeking answers is normal, especially at the beginning of this loss. While I may not find all the answers to my “Why?”, I can learn to live in peace with not knowing.

I believe even though I feel alone, there are many others who have this same type of tragic loss. I commit to finding the rooms of people who can witness and walk with me as I begin to heal this pain. I cannot heal in isolation.

I believe I will be impacted in some way for the rest of my life. I am not the same person I was before this loss. As time goes on, I will gain new insights into what this death means to me. I will live my life in new ways.

I believe my grief is unique to me and my past relationship, affecting me spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and socially. I acknowledge the profound impact on every aspect of myself.

I believe that guilt, shame, and blame are common responses to loss. I am committed to learn how to cope with these thoughts and feelings.

I believe I will find ways to stay connected to my loved one and find ways to honour this change in our relationship. I plan to include my loved in upcoming special days and holidays to keep this connection. I will remember and talk about the memories with all who want to listen.

I believe compassion for myself, my departed loved one, and others is the fundamental path to live in peace and carry my love/grief forward.

Yours in living and loss,



Guide to Parenting After Spousal Loss


Coping with Survivor Guilt After Suicide Loss