A Place to Belong
Grief is one of those experiences that changes you forever. It reshapes the way you see the world, your relationships, and even yourself. But unless someone has gone through it, it can feel like they just don’t understand what you’re experiencing. That’s one of the reasons grief groups can be so powerful. They bring together people who truly get it, because they’ve walked this path, too.
Grief's Transformative Power: Personal Growth After Loss
In the midst of heartache and despair, grief can unexpectedly become a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation. As a grief counselor and transformational coach, I have witnessed firsthand the remarkable resilience that individuals can exhibit in the face of loss.
Coping with Grief
There are many symptoms of grief that can be overwhelming. Here is a list of ways to gain control and cope with your expression of grief.
What to Send Instead of Flowers When Someone Dies
What to give to someone who has lost a loved one? This question is often asked and although flowers are the traditional gift of condolence, there are many other alternatives.